Responsible Practices
In line with The Ville Resort-Casino’s responsibility to ensure clients’ identification, personal details and financial information is regularly updated, we have made some changes to the way we provide our services. Our clients play an important role in helping us protect the wider community by being aware of our processes and declaring relevant information when requested. The responsible practices we follow aim to reduce the risk of individuals using illicit funds at our venue and we thank you for your adherence to our guidelines.
Responsible Service of Alcohol
Non-alcoholic beverages, including tea and coffee, are available to customers. As part of our commitment to safer gambling, persons who are unduly intoxicated are not permitted to continue to gamble. Our casino advocates the responsible service of alcohol with staff. Training regarding individual and company responsibilities, in relation to gambling and the service of alcohol, is provided to relevant staff members.
Harm Minimisation Strategy
The Ville Resort – Casino is committed to best practice in providing safe gambling, with the aim of minimising the potential harm to individuals in the community through Safer Gambling Practices and the implementation of the Harm Minimisation Strategy.
Find out more about the Harm Minimisation Strategy at The Ville.
Customer Liaison Officer
A trained customer liaison officer from our casino can provide appropriate information and assist customers experiencing gambling related harm or help them access referrals to local gambling support services.
For further information or to discuss the options for limiting your gaming activity or to find out more information about self-exclusion, customers may call and ask to speak with the Harm Minimisation Officer or Casino Customer Liaison Officer on +61 7 4722 2333.
Australian Transaction Reports & Analysis Centre
The Ville Resort-Casino takes seriously its obligation to work with the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter- Terrorism Financing Act 2006. The Act is designed to detect, disrupt and deter money laundering in Australia’s financial systems, which include our facility.
We comply with the Act in a number of ways, including reporting significant cash transactions and other potentially suspicious transactions to AUSTRAC. We also perform client due diligence in order to understand the source of gaming funds. We follow these practices in order to mitigate the risk of individuals using illicit funds at The Ville. Illicit funds can enable serious crimes including terrorism, slavery, drug trafficking, child exploitation, fraud and corruption.
Tier Progression
If The Ville Resort-Casino Tier progression applies to your membership, we may request that you provide additional identification and personal information as you progress through the Rewards Tiers. This information gathering forms part of our responsible practices and is designed to protect you, our staff and our community.
Customer Information Form
The Ville Resort-Casino reserves the right to request any Vantage Rewards member to complete an updated membership form at any time. The requested information may include valid government issued photo ID, occupation, employer, business information and country of birth. This information will ensure The Ville Resort - Casino maintains up to date customer details and forms part of The Ville’s continuous customer due diligence efforts. The Ville Resort - Casino may not be able to provide casino services or the Vantage Rewards membership service (including access to private gaming rooms) to members who do not comply with information requests.
Managing Your Funds at The Ville Resort-Casino
The Ville Resort-Casino may, at its discretion or due to reporting obligations, ask clients for appropriate identification or supporting documentation prior to completing any financial transactions. We reserve the right to ask at any time.
Electronic Funds Transfers
Our clients are able to deposit funds into The Ville Resort-Casino bank account for the purpose of funding their own gaming activities.
These funds may only be released only once the deposit is confirmed, The Ville Resort-Casino is aware who made it, and the deposit has been confirmed as “cleared’’. The funds may be released to the depositor in the form of a deposit to the Customer Vantage Rewards Front Money account at that stage. The Ville will only accept deposits from a client’s personal bank account. We do not accept cheques deposited into our account or fund transfers from credit or overseas accounts or third parties such as a company, business, or trust account. These also include third party cash deposits or cash deposits made at a bank branch of ATM.
Our guidelines for accepting electronic funds transfers require that clients provide their full name and Vantage Rewards Membership number in the transaction description. OSKO is required for same-day transfers (within 24 hours). Any other transfers may take up to five business days.
We may require clients to provide evidence (bank statement of document from your financial institution) to verify your ownership of the bank account. Clients may also be required to provide a bank receipt for every transfer sent to The Ville Resort-Casino. Without verification of your personal account details, we are unable to accept any deposits.
Failure to comply with our guidelines will result in the return of your funds – this can take up to 20 business days to process through the banking system.
Cash Deposits or Buy-ins
In order for The Ville Resort-Casino to perform the necessary due diligence on funds accepted, any clients who choose to deposit cash into their Vantage Rewards Front Money account or who present cash to purchase chips at a gaming table or cashier (buy-in) directly may be required to provide acceptable identification when the amount of cash exceeds certain thresholds. We may also ask clients to declare the source of their funds
Clients also may be required to provide further documentation to confirm the information declared. Based on that information, The Ville Resort-Casino will decide whether it accepts the funds and proceeds with the transaction. Any client who does not provide the relevant supporting documentation may be requested to leave The Ville Resort-Casino.
The Ville Resort-Casino will not accept any single cash deposit of more than $50,000 per transaction. This threshold may change over time.
Upon written request, The Ville Resort-Casino will only remit funds electronically from a client’s Vantage Rewards Front Money account directly to their personal verified bank account. The Ville will not remit funds to third party bank accounts, including but not limited to a company, business or trust account.
Privacy Policy
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